Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Erayak 4500PD Tri Fuel Inverter Generator | Unboxing | Introduction | Power Test | Parallel
Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Refurbished | Erayak 4500PD Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable Power for RV, Home, and Outdoor Adventures | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Erayak 4500W Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Erayak 4500W Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Erayak 4500W Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Erayak 4500W Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Erayak 4500W Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable | 4500PD - Erayak Power
Erayak 4500W Tri-Fuel Inverter Generator – Quiet, Reliable | 4500PD - Erayak Power

Портативний інверторний генератор Erayak 4500 Вт, тихий, двопаливний, EYG4500PD

Regular price $1,200.00 Sale price $999.00 USD
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Ignition System

4500PD Size Guide Content

For the 4500PD series, here’s the Size Guide Content based on the ignition systems, key differences, and performance recommendations for the two models:

Option Electric - 4500PDE (Ignition System: Electric & Manual)

  • Electric Start with Manual Backup: The 4500PDE comes equipped with both an electric start system (powered by a lithium battery with built-in charging capabilities) and a default manual recoil start system, offering maximum convenience and reliability.
  • Fuel Performance: The electric start is especially advantageous when using pipeline natural gas, ensuring smooth ignition even under lower gas pressure. The manual start serves as a reliable backup, providing added flexibility in any situation.
  • Panel Design: The 4500PDE panel includes options for both electric and manual start, as well as fuel monitoring indicators and outlet configurations, offering greater control and usability.Erayak_4500PD_Tri-Fuel_Portable_Inverter_Generator_control panel usb electric start propane natural gas parrallel 20 amp 30amp L5-30P 120V

Option Manual - 4500PDM (Ignition System: Manual Only)

  • Manual Start Only: The 4500PDM model features a robust recoil pull-start system without the addition of an electric start system, delivering dependable performance with straightforward operation.
  • Fuel Performance: The 4500PDM performs exceptionally well with propane or bottled natural gas. For pipeline natural gas, starting may require additional manual effort due to lower fuel pressure, but proper gas line installation and settings can improve performance.
  • Panel Differences: As shown in the image, the 4500PDM panel is designed with simplicity, offering all essential controls for easy operation.

Choosing the Right Model

  • For users who prioritize convenience and need to use pipeline natural gas frequently, the 4500PDE is recommended for its superior electric start performance.
  • For users seeking a simple and reliable solution, particularly with propane or bottled natural gas, the 4500PDM offers robust functionality without additional complexity.

4500PD Size Guide Content

For the 4500PD series, here’s the Size Guide Content based on the ignition systems, key differences, and performance recommendations for the two models:

Option Electric - 4500PDE (Ignition System: Electric & Manual)

  • Electric Start with Manual Backup: The 4500PDE comes equipped with both an electric start system (powered by a lithium battery with built-in charging capabilities) and a default manual recoil start system, offering maximum convenience and reliability.
  • Fuel Performance: The electric start is especially advantageous when using pipeline natural gas, ensuring smooth ignition even under lower gas pressure. The manual start serves as a reliable backup, providing added flexibility in any situation.
  • Panel Design: The 4500PDE panel includes options for both electric and manual start, as well as fuel monitoring indicators and outlet configurations, offering greater control and usability.Erayak_4500PD_Tri-Fuel_Portable_Inverter_Generator_control panel usb electric start propane natural gas parrallel 20 amp 30amp L5-30P 120V

Option Manual - 4500PDM (Ignition System: Manual Only)

  • Manual Start Only: The 4500PDM model features a robust recoil pull-start system without the addition of an electric start system, delivering dependable performance with straightforward operation.
  • Fuel Performance: The 4500PDM performs exceptionally well with propane or bottled natural gas. For pipeline natural gas, starting may require additional manual effort due to lower fuel pressure, but proper gas line installation and settings can improve performance.
  • Panel Differences: As shown in the image, the 4500PDM panel is designed with simplicity, offering all essential controls for easy operation.

Choosing the Right Model

  • For users who prioritize convenience and need to use pipeline natural gas frequently, the 4500PDE is recommended for its superior electric start performance.
  • For users seeking a simple and reliable solution, particularly with propane or bottled natural gas, the 4500PDM offers robust functionality without additional complexity.

Quality Assurance
Produced in ISO 9001 Certified Facilities
Certified for Safety
Packaging: Factory Direct, Original Packaging
After-Sales Service
Returns: 180-day Refund/Replacement
Warranty: 3-Year Warranty, Factory-Backed
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24/7 Email Support: Guaranteed response within 24 hours
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Ships & Sold: Erayak Fast Shipping, Factory Direct
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  • Портативний генератор електроенергії: Erayak 4500PD — це універсальне портативне джерело живлення, ідеальне для кемпінгу, домашнього використання, фургонів і надзвичайних ситуацій. Він забезпечує 4500 Вт імпульсної потужності та 3500 Вт безперервної потужності з 90% вихідної потужності в трипаливному режимі.
  • Можливість використання трьох видів палива: Підтримує паливо на бензині, скрапленому та природному газі.
  • Автоматичний перемикач двох видів палива: автоматично вибирає паливо та плавно перемикається зі зрідженого газу/газованого газу на бензин, коли це необхідно, забезпечуючи безперебійне живлення.
  • Готові розетки для автофургону: містить спеціальну розетку на 30 А для автофургону (L5-30P), що полегшує підключення до автофургону без додаткових адаптерів.
  • Кілька розеток для дому та кемпінгу: містить подвійну розетку змінного струму 5-20R 20A з протектором змінного струму, одну розетку змінного струму L5-30P 30A з поворотним замком, перетворювач L5-30P на TT-30R і два USB порти для зарядки пристрою.
  • Можливість паралельного підключення: Дозволяє підключити два генератори по 4500 Вт для подвоєння потужності.
  • Надтихий: працює лише при 60,5 дБ(А) при половинному навантаженні завдяки шумозаглушеному корпусу.
  • Інверторна технологія чистої синусоїдальної хвилі: безпечно живить чутливу електроніку, як-от смартфони, ноутбуки, телевізори, блоки змінного струму, обігрівачі, електроінструменти тощо.
  • Легкий: Важить 55 фунтів.
  • Ємність паливного баку: 8,5 л (2,25 галонів) із часом роботи 4,5 години при повному завантаженні та 9 годин при половинному завантаженні.
  • Сумісність зі стандартами: Відповідає стандартам ANSI/PGMA G300-2018.

Додаткові функції:

  • Простий електричний запуск: Доступний на 4500PDE, дозволяє прямий запуск через перемикач двигуна, уникаючи ручного запуску.
  • Безпечний CO: Вбудований датчик чадного газу вимикає генератор, якщо рівень CO високий. Модель 4500PDM має ручний перемикач CO, а модель 4500PDE — ні.
  • Екорежим: доступний на 4500PDM, зменшує шум і споживання палива завдяки роботі на нижчих швидкостях у режимі низької потужності.

General Information


Category Details
Weight 55.12 Pounds
CARB Compliant Yes
Certification CARB, EPA
Consumer Warranty 3 Years
Product Style Portable Tri-fuel / Dual Fuel Inverter Generator
Product Length 20.00 Inches
Product Width 12.20 Inches
Product Height 19.29 Inches



Product Specs


Specification Details
Voltage 120V Single-Phase
Frequency 60 Hertz
Alternator Inverter
Auto Voltage Regulation Yes
Rated Watts 3500 Watts
Surge Watts 4500 Watts
Fuel Type Natural gas, Propane, or Bottled Gasoline. 
Gas lnlet Connection QDD,5/8"-18UNF
Gas Inlet Pressure 

 0.5 PSI (13.87 inches WC) 

  • A hose with a pressure regulator can stabilize the pressure to. (Included in the accessory kit)
  • Excessive input gas pressure will result in failure to ignite.
Automatic Fuel Switch Automatically switches to gasoline when propane or natural gas is low
Rated Amps 29.1 Amps @ 120V
Gasoline Tank Size 2.25 Gallon
Run Time @ 50% Load 8 Hours when running on gasoline
Fuel Efficiency

Gasoline: 2.125 L/Hour (or ~0.561 GALL/Hour)

*73% when running on propane

*31% when running on natural gas

Decibel Rating @ 7m 60.5
Idle Control Yes
Hour Meter Yes
Voltage Meter Yes
Cooling System Air Cooled
Grade Type Recreational
THD <1.5%



Specification Details
Engine Brand Erayak
Starting System Recoil Start / Electric
CC 143 CC

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Tri Fuel Inverter Generator - Gasoline, Propane, Bottled Natural Gas

Erayak 4500PD support your Home Power Emergency

Experience the ultimate in convenience and reliability with the Erayak 4500P generator. Perfect for RV trips, camping adventures, home backups, and emergencies, it ensures you have power whenever and wherever you need it.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 29 reviews
A Closer Look at the Erayak 4500PD

A Closer Look at the Erayak 4500PD

I’ve always appreciated inverters for their quiet operation, fuel efficiency, and clean power. All of my personal generators are inverters, and the Erayak 4500PD caught my eye because it offers some features that my current models don't have, making it worth a closer look.

One of the most impressive features is the automatic fuel switching. Unlike other generators that require manual input, the 4500PD automatically switches between gasoline, propane, and natural gas. When the pressure from the propane tank drops, it seamlessly switches to gasoline, allowing for continuous operation without any interruptions. This feature is not only convenient but also helps to maximize the generator's runtime by efficiently managing fuel sources.

The 4500PD is also equipped with advanced inverter technology, boasting a THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) of just 0.2% to 1.2%, which is significantly lower than the typical 1.9% found in power grids. This makes it safe for even the most sensitive electronics.

Despite its compact size and 149cc engine, this generator can produce a reliable 3500 watts of power, making it a leader in its class. Additionally, it features a 30 Amp RV outlet and parallel capability, enabling users to double the power output when necessary.

In summary, the Erayak 4500PD stands out as a versatile and efficient power solution that is well-suited for a variety of needs, from RVs to home backup power. Its intelligent fuel management system and superior inverter technology make it a reliable choice for anyone in need of portable power.

For those interested in a deeper dive into its performance and features, I have done a comprehensive review in his video. If you resonate with what you've read so far, be sure to check out mine full video review for more insights. YouTube video placeholder
Wendy J. Walker
Lightweight compact inverter generator for home use

We bought this product for use during power outages during hurricanes in Florida . It is clean, easy to use, lightweight to move around and has enough power for our refrigerator, television, coffee pot and other low loads when we need them. We are using natural gas and bought the model with an electric start for ease of use.

Emily Lopez
Great generator

I have been looking for a generator for a while, after reading several reviews we decided to give this one a try due to the price and power combination. We bought this to use for one out of camping trips! We were not disappointed. The generator has amazing power. We were able to run the heater and several other plugs for multiple family members including two teenager, so you know it was running nonstop ;). The value for the money is amazing. I was satisfied with how long we ran it and we did not run out of propane. We camped for the weekend on one tank of propane, which wasn’t empty when we got home. It’s easy to use and I was able to carry it by myself and I am a 5 foot women. The weight of the generator is a mere 54 lbs compared to several others that are much heavier. This makes transporting it a lot easier. It has handles to make transporting it easily and carrying it easier.

The design is great has an easy-to-use knob and an easy pull to start. It was not difficult to start and never shut off. Also, when running some generators give off a heave odor. I could not even smell this one. the design is functional and esthetic. Easy fix you just switch it back. Enough power to run my fridge and deep freezer and also has the plug options for the larger appliances. Luckily we had this because a storm hit the following weekend and we lost power for a day. This was able to keep our deep freezer running and none of the food went bad. If you are looking for a generator to purchase this one would be a great buy. Would def recommend!

best generator I've used.

First off, this generator is really nice. Its compact, its packed up nicely, was double boxed and secured well. I bought a smaller Erayak in the past that I liked which was just enough power for a deep freezer and maybe a fridge, however I have a natural gas line that is hooked up in the back of my house for generator and grill that I used for this generator since its tri-fuel which is a lot easier than having to have gas on hand, as you can see in the picture above with the hose. I got the hose and connectors for mine from amazon for $44 for my gas line from Patiogem, its nice as well.

I highly recommend you watching the video on Youtube from James Condon about this generator. He does a good job showing and telling you what you need to do to break it in which is very important, the oil in picture above shows how dirty the oil is after the 1st change and all the metal fragments thats in it.

The oil was very hard to find in small containers, I went to 3 different automotive stores in order to the find a store that carries quart size containers of the SAE 15w 40 all of the stores only had gallon size, however if you can't find that specific oil the video I mentioned above he uses a different oil. It took I believe 3 full plastic filler at the 200 line to fill it up properly. The plastic filler came with the generator

I used 2 heaters which was my best way in order to get enough wattage to properly break the generator in, I ran it for about a hour before my 1st oil change which you can see how nasty it looks.

Overall its a great generator that I highly recommend, I will not be using it often and most of the time I will have it stored... However I am glad how easy it was to get going and how much power it easily ran and most of all I am thrilled I can run it on my natural gas line.

Works as well as described

Been watching James Condon's videos for a while, and, I suppose impulse bought this because it ticked the boxes that I have been thinking about and I was impressed with how it performed. Clean sine wave inverter, good capacity, can run in parallel if needed, and for me, dual fuel (propane and gasoline). No natural gas in my area, so I won't use that.

Admittedly I haven't put it to much work yet, but I have been running it for break-in on both gasoline and propane. It starts on the second or third pull for me. It does auto-switch between the two fuels as described, stumbling slightly but not stalling out. I did notice the red propane light only partially lighting up when I slowly cracked the propane valve, but when I shut it off, paused, and then opened it quickly, the red light lit up bright. I did the first oil change after 1-1/2 hours of running, and there was some fine glitter in the oil, but nothing that concerns me yet. I'm running 15W-40 in it.

Overall, it seems like a good unit, but there are a couple of things worth mentioning. For one, the sticker on the side says 450mL oil, the manual says 0.6L of oil, and I ended up adding 650mL to get halfway up the dipstick. 450mL barely wet the tip of the dipstick. Also, the Phillips-head gas bowl drain screw is blocked by the side support bar. It looks like it'll be tricky to drain the bowl. Update: Not really tricky, but use a flatblade instead, Phillips didn't catch very well. Draining the bowl does get a few teaspoons of gas out.

But the unit runs very smooth, is not noisy (I wouldn't say it's quiet, but it's not annoying), it holds voltage and frequency well (~122V at 59.97Hz is what I was seeing with 1000W of load), and the wheeled dolly addition makes it easy to move around. I'm pleased with it so far. I'm feeding it non-ethanol gasoline but am going to invest in a couple more containers of propane for longer term storage. This will be an emergency generator for me. Here in Texas we need all the backup power we can get.

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